domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2007

Like Saving Energy - ¿Cómo Ahorrar energía? (vinculo en castellano)

Normally a city is not cleaner only because the Service of Cleaning is more effective, but because the citizens who inhabit it stain less.
In relation to the world of the energy it happens the same. It is not sufficient whereupon every time we recycle more products and than the energy it comes from renewable power plants. It is necessary to take a step more and to consume less energy, we are going "to stain less". For it the POWER SAVING is necessary.How we can save energy?
It is necessary to be mentalizado because the saving is similar to will refrán of "Grape to full grape old Cuba". At a first moment with a few simple measures we can obtain an important power saving. Passed that moment one is to maintain the power consumption in suitable levels. To exile the idea that "because I can pay it I am going to consume a little more energy".
1 In house.
Where we spent at least 8 hours to the day, although it is sleeping. The ideal would be to have a oriented and perfectly isolated affluent house, but we are going to see that measured they are possible to be adopted if we were not in that case.The greater consumptions are in heating and air conditioning (conditioned air). It is recommended in winter:
- If the sun affects our windows (this, South and west). By day, to raise the blinds so that the heat provided by the solar radiation, warms up our home. At night to lower the blinds not to lose energy by the windows. He is recommendable that the building is well isolated and the windows have breakage of thermal bridge, but on that point it is more difficult to affect.
- In the case of the heating he is recommendable to use termostao with programmer who allows us to settle down a temperature adapted in the hours that we are in house. This temperature would not have to be greater of 20,5ºC. The energy necessary to happen of 20,5ºC to 21.5 ºC in a floor of 90 m.s is considerable, although only there is a difference degree. He is preferable to put a jacket to be in house.
- As far as the hot water it does not consume as much energy as the heating but a good measurement in case our installation is individual is to lower the control of the temperature of the water in the boiler. A position that warms up much the water soon to have to cool mixing it it only makes us waste energy.
For the summer:
- To have slopes the blinds to which the sun affects to them during the day and the windows closed. What aisla of the cold, aisla of the heat. To open to the blinds and windows at night so that the house cools off.
- To regulate the apparatuses of conditioned air to a temperature adapted around the 21 degrees.
In all the stations:
- To extinguish all the apparatuses that we do not use (of button) if it remains some ignited LED is that we have not extinguished it absolutely and continues consuming energy. For example, the one of the television, video, dvd, etc... when we at a distance extinguished them with the control.
- To use household-electric like the washing machine, lavavajillas, dryer in suitable programs, with cold water and to total load. If these are more efficient power better. Acuérdate when you must renew some.
- To extinguish the lights when we leave the stays. To use where it is possible light bulbs of low consumption.
Really, to extinguish everything what we do not use and to use the necessary thing of rational way.
2 In the work.
Here usually it is more difficult to concienciar of the power saving, because among other things "we did not pay the light" and therefore it seems that he gives us equal what he is consumed and we did not find out (nobody informs to us) the consumption.
A general rule is to use only the elements that we need. If we can regulate the heat or the cold one of our office to establish it in an intermediate level so that we do not have to open the window of the heat that does or the door of the cold that generates the conditioned air.
3-in the rest.
Not to take to the car short passages like buying the bread, the newspaper...
To use means of public transport when it is possible.

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