Renewable Energies
The climatic change: A truth and many “medias” truths
Now that finally has obtained that it is spoken of the climatic change, it can be the moment for emphasizing some questions that in these days are jumping to the public opinion through mass media.
The Earth climate has gone changed from before the appearance of the human being on her. Everything changes, already affirmed to Heraclitus, the only thing to it that it will accompany to us throughout the life is the change. This phrase also is fulfilled in climatic questions. Throughout the existence of the man on the Earth the climate also has been changing.
How it is being that change at the present time? After many years of studies and investigations, resorting to series historical of data, one has reached an agreement between world-wide the scientific community and the governments, now unquestionable: The Earth is being warmed up and this heating is being seen seriously accelerated by the human activity, mainly by the gas discharges of Efecto Conservatory (GEI). It is more, the result of that heating is not being detrimental for the ecosystems.
What gases are calls GEI? Although most famous it is the CO2 (carbon dioxide) that is given off, mainly, in the combustion of fossil materials, is not the only harmful gas. The other gases are: the methane (CH4), the nitrous oxide (NÒ), Hidrofluorocarbonos (HFCs), Perfluorocarbonos (PFCs) and hexafluoruro of sulfur (SF6).
Clean Energies – Renewable Energies
Although both terms can seem synonymous and what is worse are used like so, they are not it. NOWADAYS THERE IS NO CLEAN ENERGY, all need some transformation, therefore they contaminate. Although it is certain that within the energies that we can use at the moment, there is more and less polluting.
We can distinguish between renewable energies and nonrenewable energies.
Renewable power plant. She is that that is not going away to exhaust in a short space of time. Most of them depends on the sun and has a great potential of energy, for example the solar energy coming from the sun, the Aeolian one coming from the wind, the mareomotriz coming from the tides, coming from the combustion of the biomass, …
Exhaustible or nonrenewable power plant. That that its rate of use is greater than the one of formation of the resource, therefore will be exhausted in a determined period of time, would be petroleum here, the natural gas, the coal, …
All the previous energies generate, either in their phase of manufacture or in its phase of energy production the so undesired Gases of Effect Conservatory. They generate more gases percentage than others, some have a greater yield. Within the same group of energy generation more efficient technologies with respect to others even exist. Piénsese for example, that in the power stations of electrical generation, the calls of combined cycle have a greater yield (they contaminate less by kWh produced) that the thermal power stations and these are less polluting as well than those of Fuel. But there is no an ideal power plant.
It is urged to us to consume energy coming from renewable power plants. She is the minor of the evils, but it is not the solution. The “solución mágica” it does not exist. The projects that are appearing, and more than will appear, on industries of production of electrical energy from biomass or plants of obtaining of biodiesel or bioalcohol, will help to solve the subject of the CO2 emissions, but probably they create other problems, as the increase of the price of several products, but in case single they will not solve the problem of the gas discharges Effect Conservatory, among other reasons by his under yield.
Also it is animated to us, for example, to change of car, with the very polluting reasoning of which the Spanish automobile park is old and therefore. Sure the new cars consume less and emit less CO2, but some of you, I hope that yes, it has been stopped to think how much CO2 would suppose to make that new car that they want to us to sell. In order to make our old car, in his day the manufacturer emitted to the atmosphere amounts of CO2. We go to “obligarle” to that it returns to emit more CO2 so that makes that new car to us wonderful that as soon as it consumes? Will compensate the change of car the saving in the CO2 emission that I am going to have with the CO2 that it will have to emit the manufacturer to give a new car? The answer is simple, no manufacturer will say whichever CO2 to him costs to make its car, nor whichever energy has used in it. Simply will be received it including in the price of the vehicle.
Speaking of the transport, that is included in the call diffuse sector, next to residential and the others, they are the causes of 55% of the CO2 emissions. Why the transport in average public or groups is not stimulated (bus, railroad, …) as opposed to the transport by highway? It will be because this last one aside from dinamizar the economy is a source of income for the coffers of the state via taxes?
The solution has to come to consume less energy. The only clean energy is that that we did not consume. We will have to change our form of life, either voluntarily and gradually, or will arrive the day, hopefully does not arrive, in which we are ourselves forced. We will be between the sword and the wall. By that and other reasons there are governments who have not ratified the Protocol of Kyoto.
The solution is not that most of the energy comes from the renewable power plants, neither so at least is to consume the more energy coming from these renewable sources, since not always I can choose the origin of the energy. When pulse the switch of the light not if that energy comes from a nuclear power station that is located abroad or of a aerogenerador placed in the Monegros.
Therefore we do not let ourselves deceive by halves with truths. Each part tells his “parte” us; of the truth, the versions are different in the measurement from how it goes to him to each one in the fair.
Now it is the moment of which the governments act and citizen we collaborate them, but I have the impression that we cannot wait for other 18 years, although are sectors that would be enchanted, to continue benefitting from the present state of the things since it has happened 60 years in the last, after World War II. In these 60 years the CO2 concentration has increased of 320 ppm to 380 ppm, is to say a 20 percent.
If we with the planet did not invest the tendency we will not finish Earth, the probably Earth will end us.
The climatic change: A truth and many “medias” truths
Now that finally has obtained that it is spoken of the climatic change, it can be the moment for emphasizing some questions that in these days are jumping to the public opinion through mass media.
The Earth climate has gone changed from before the appearance of the human being on her. Everything changes, already affirmed to Heraclitus, the only thing to it that it will accompany to us throughout the life is the change. This phrase also is fulfilled in climatic questions. Throughout the existence of the man on the Earth the climate also has been changing.
How it is being that change at the present time? After many years of studies and investigations, resorting to series historical of data, one has reached an agreement between world-wide the scientific community and the governments, now unquestionable: The Earth is being warmed up and this heating is being seen seriously accelerated by the human activity, mainly by the gas discharges of Efecto Conservatory (GEI). It is more, the result of that heating is not being detrimental for the ecosystems.
What gases are calls GEI? Although most famous it is the CO2 (carbon dioxide) that is given off, mainly, in the combustion of fossil materials, is not the only harmful gas. The other gases are: the methane (CH4), the nitrous oxide (NÒ), Hidrofluorocarbonos (HFCs), Perfluorocarbonos (PFCs) and hexafluoruro of sulfur (SF6).
Clean Energies – Renewable Energies
Although both terms can seem synonymous and what is worse are used like so, they are not it. NOWADAYS THERE IS NO CLEAN ENERGY, all need some transformation, therefore they contaminate. Although it is certain that within the energies that we can use at the moment, there is more and less polluting.
We can distinguish between renewable energies and nonrenewable energies.
Renewable power plant. She is that that is not going away to exhaust in a short space of time. Most of them depends on the sun and has a great potential of energy, for example the solar energy coming from the sun, the Aeolian one coming from the wind, the mareomotriz coming from the tides, coming from the combustion of the biomass, …
Exhaustible or nonrenewable power plant. That that its rate of use is greater than the one of formation of the resource, therefore will be exhausted in a determined period of time, would be petroleum here, the natural gas, the coal, …
All the previous energies generate, either in their phase of manufacture or in its phase of energy production the so undesired Gases of Effect Conservatory. They generate more gases percentage than others, some have a greater yield. Within the same group of energy generation more efficient technologies with respect to others even exist. Piénsese for example, that in the power stations of electrical generation, the calls of combined cycle have a greater yield (they contaminate less by kWh produced) that the thermal power stations and these are less polluting as well than those of Fuel. But there is no an ideal power plant.
It is urged to us to consume energy coming from renewable power plants. She is the minor of the evils, but it is not the solution. The “solución mágica” it does not exist. The projects that are appearing, and more than will appear, on industries of production of electrical energy from biomass or plants of obtaining of biodiesel or bioalcohol, will help to solve the subject of the CO2 emissions, but probably they create other problems, as the increase of the price of several products, but in case single they will not solve the problem of the gas discharges Effect Conservatory, among other reasons by his under yield.
Also it is animated to us, for example, to change of car, with the very polluting reasoning of which the Spanish automobile park is old and therefore. Sure the new cars consume less and emit less CO2, but some of you, I hope that yes, it has been stopped to think how much CO2 would suppose to make that new car that they want to us to sell. In order to make our old car, in his day the manufacturer emitted to the atmosphere amounts of CO2. We go to “obligarle” to that it returns to emit more CO2 so that makes that new car to us wonderful that as soon as it consumes? Will compensate the change of car the saving in the CO2 emission that I am going to have with the CO2 that it will have to emit the manufacturer to give a new car? The answer is simple, no manufacturer will say whichever CO2 to him costs to make its car, nor whichever energy has used in it. Simply will be received it including in the price of the vehicle.
Speaking of the transport, that is included in the call diffuse sector, next to residential and the others, they are the causes of 55% of the CO2 emissions. Why the transport in average public or groups is not stimulated (bus, railroad, …) as opposed to the transport by highway? It will be because this last one aside from dinamizar the economy is a source of income for the coffers of the state via taxes?
The solution has to come to consume less energy. The only clean energy is that that we did not consume. We will have to change our form of life, either voluntarily and gradually, or will arrive the day, hopefully does not arrive, in which we are ourselves forced. We will be between the sword and the wall. By that and other reasons there are governments who have not ratified the Protocol of Kyoto.
The solution is not that most of the energy comes from the renewable power plants, neither so at least is to consume the more energy coming from these renewable sources, since not always I can choose the origin of the energy. When pulse the switch of the light not if that energy comes from a nuclear power station that is located abroad or of a aerogenerador placed in the Monegros.
Therefore we do not let ourselves deceive by halves with truths. Each part tells his “parte” us; of the truth, the versions are different in the measurement from how it goes to him to each one in the fair.
Now it is the moment of which the governments act and citizen we collaborate them, but I have the impression that we cannot wait for other 18 years, although are sectors that would be enchanted, to continue benefitting from the present state of the things since it has happened 60 years in the last, after World War II. In these 60 years the CO2 concentration has increased of 320 ppm to 380 ppm, is to say a 20 percent.
If we with the planet did not invest the tendency we will not finish Earth, the probably Earth will end us.
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